Multilevel Legislative Drafting and Legislative Impact Assessment

– Centre for Research for Public Law, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences/University of Lisbon;
– Research Centre on Law and Society/NOVA School of Law;
– International Association of Legislation.
Where: University of Lisbon, Law School.
When: 15 July 2022.
Submission Deadline: 15 May 2022.
Call for Papers
The University of Lisbon School of Law, Nova School of Law, and the International Association of Legislation (IAL) are pleased to announce the International Conference on “Multilevel legislative drafting and Legislative Impact Assessment” that will be held in a hybrid format in Lisbon on 15 July 2022.
We encourage scholars, academics, and researchers from all over the world to participate in the parallels sessions that will take place, on the subjects of “Multilevel legislative drafting and transposition of directives” and “Methods of legislative impact assessment”.
To participate, you should send an abstract on one of these two topics:
- Multilevel legislative drafting and transposition of directives: in multilevel systems such as the EU or federal or regional States, there is the need of legislative action by the State level to give full effect to supra-national legal norms, such as directives in the EU. This gives rise to problems, risks, and challenges in the transposition or implementation procedure, namely related with the level of discretion of the lower level, translation problems in multilingual environments, or the “gold-plating” phenomenon;
- Methods of legislative impact assessment: discuss the complexity of the possible methods of legislative impact assessment, from a theoretical and/or a practical point of view, and also case studies that applied methodological tools to measure the impact, risks, and results of legislative frameworks in the EU and internationally, considering limits and challenges of its implementation.
Guide for authors:
Proposals must be submitted by 15th May 2022 (midnight Brussels time) directly to accompanied by:
- Personal contact details (name, job title, organization, email, country), including contact details of potential co-authors;
- Title of your proposal (max 10 words);
- Abstract of the presentation session (max 300 words);
- Keywords that describe your presentation (max 5);
- The submissions must be in English;
- Indicate in your submission whether you intend to travel to Lisbon or participate virtually.
You will hear from the conference committee informing the acceptance of the proposal by the end of May 2022. The selected candidates will have to send a full paper until 10th July, by e-mail address, with a) 15-20 pages maximum, considering references; b) APA Style; c) in English.
You can find the full call for papers here:
For any inquiries regarding the Conference or this call, please use the following contact:
We look forward to receiving your submission – and to seeing you either in Lisbon or online!
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: 15th May
Notification of acceptance: 30th May
Deadline for final paper submission: 10th July
Conference: 15th July 2022